Friday, June 25, 2010

New start.

It's been a year since I left off writing. An abrupt end, and a beginning just as abrupt. Fitting.

So I deleted 6 years worth of text and posts, but not before re-reading most of them. And there's no going back on all those deleted posts now though. Pretty much like life, and I was never really good at making decisions. Well, I had to, and I did: that's all that matters, right? Maybe.

Will I regret it? Maybe. But leaving it there is redundant, because I don't think anyone will be, or will want to see them ever. And I must admit, there were more angry, or not-so-happy posts. I guess that's what you call "teenage angst". Haha.

It was pretty hilarious seeing the happier posts from before though. Makes me think of all the fun I had, all the emotions I went through. I sound so mellow and stoic now. Haha. I guess this is what age does to one. And of course, looking back at the past, I guess you're able to see what you had, what you lost. Every time I think of each close friend that I have lost(contact or otherwise), can't help but feel a little helpless. Well, some things are not as simple as just "giving him a call", or "dropping her an sms". I guess life still goes on, albeit a little less brighter.

I must say that the past year had been an interesting one. More so for my growth as a person. Graduated from the University, tried to get a job, but couldn't decide what I really wanted to get into. It was going to be my "career", and one wrong move and I'm stuck there for my whole life. Whole life. That's a long time to be anywhere at. Got a little down with each passing day without a purpose. Netted myself a pretty awesome job in the end, but we'll have to see where it brings me from now onwards.

I wonder how many people are still lurking around here somewhere. Did a quick check and the 30 people on my list only had like 10 still being active. Time to do some housekeeping. I wonder who reads these now anyway, but oh well.

Sleep time.


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